Le mer. 6 févr. 2019 à 14:47, Alex Sassmannshausen <alex.sassmannshausen@gmail.com> a écrit :
>  - Janneke mentioned the new guile build system in guix for simpler
>    guile packages and I think that's pretty great.  Likewise there was
>    some mention of some sort of you-don't-have-to-use-autotools build
>    system and I don't remember what it's name was.  (BTW, I continue to
>    believe that "Guix is and should be Guile's package mangager".)

I was unaware that we had a guile build system in Guix. 

What is it?
In the past I was the one who argued strongly for the build system and
for the no-autotools approach — I believe in the context of outreachy.
Unfortunately I was unable to make that part a reality.

Even so, I have been developing a solution that is part of this
discussion in the form of Guile Hall, which is a project manager for
Guile with strong integration with Guix & Autotools.

guile hall can be found here https://gitlab.com/a-sassmannshausen/guile-hall
As you can see, I have a horse in this race.  I would be very interested
in collaborating with others who feel strongly about this part of the
Guile/Guix user journey — either on improvements to Hall, Guix or on
other tooling.

Talking about tools and build systems, what do you think of https://waf.io/?