On 7 September 2014 01:49, Ian Grant <ian.a.n.grant-gM/Ye1E23mwN+BqQ9rBEUg@public.gmane.org> wrote:
You are just not at all convincing, I'm afraid. Tell your boss they didn't train you properly, and can you get assigned somewhere else.

​Unfortunately, this is a reality we have to deal with when discussing security on the internet: we've got to assume the enemy is listening.  It could be me, I could even be intercepting your emails and making them sound incoherrent, and upping the tinfoil-hat quotient by ​adding people like Theo and Linus to the To: list.  I could be suggesting that effort be spent in a project that will provide very little value, wasting your time.

Remember:  I'm not suggesting what the outcome of your project will be, just that if the result is negative, we still know nothing.  When testing a system for subterfuge, we need to examine *all* of the moving parts, even those that appear to be unused.  If the system you're building your assembler on is compromised, it can still give you a negative answer.  That's what was so scary about this particular type of attack.

William Leslie

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