Hi! I have managed to code a printer in scheme that is suspendable e.g. no jumping back and forth between scheme and C unless you use custom old port p printers or smob printers. This system also works nicely with a soft port construction I have that is completely written in scheme. So when one using the soft-suspendable-ports discussed in http://itampe.com/suspendable-soft-ports.html it all works as well for format, display and write. As this is a pure scheme library solution there is no C interface that takes advantage of this system with more than that one trampolines into scheme and use the scheme write,display and format. This is a proof of concept and not finished yet although more advanced objects like smob and ports with custom printers works as it should. Internals from the C implementation are used so older versions of guile may be buggy. The simple complex objects like struct and classes is a bit easier to maintain as their custom printers is scheme printers. objects not handled: (array ) (bitvector) (flags ) (stringbuf) (values ) (program) (pointer ) (weak-set) (weak-table) (dynamic-state) (frame ) (atomic-box) (cont ) (wvect ) I do not expect any problems with those compared to what objects are already implemented. Speedwise nothing is optimized. After a working module is finished we can work on speeding things up like a lookup-table for the tc7 dispatch and so on. Usage: (use-modules (ice-9 soft-suspendable-ports)) (install-soft-suspendable-ports!) and you are ready to go with the repl now directly using the scheme printer instead of the C based printer. Likwise format in the shell will now use the scheme based printer. Happy hacking