Hi, I've taken 2.9 on a ride with my active code bases, guile-log, guile-syntax-parse and python-on -guile. Generelly it's a pleasure as always to work with guile. I can compile all code and especially the clpfd code in the prolog part works out nicely (A huge file that takes now 6minutes to compile a 10MB go file). What's was surprising was that guile-syntax-parse code is much much quicker than before. Especially the compilation of the racket match.scm file has improved quite a lot. Prolog code compiles more quick as well which is very much appriciated. A few hickups. 1. compiling with O0 fails for me because guile does not translate all letrec forms down to lover level forms. 2. If you put a lambda as a syntax value and try to execute that code you get an unhelpful message down in the compiler tower, (types.scm). Else super work and thanks!