Hi all, 

I noticed two features that other languages have that can be good to have.

1) With guile-2.2. it is possible that the guile execution checks from time to time to stall 
enabling coroutines to be used as lightweight threads in fibers etc. In java one can force
an exception to be thrown in a thread and as far as I can see it is not impossible now to
add such a feature to fibers. WDYT?

2) In many exception mechansims we have a finally clause that will always be called at 
unwinding. The simple approach to implement this is to use a dynamic wind. This does
not work in fibers because then the dynamic wind is called each time we stall the thread 
as far as I know. However if we att the yield would set a thread local fluid to true one could
in the unwind of the dynamic wind skip the action when yielding. Is there any susch feature
added, it would be very useful.
