Hi,I was complentating the cons cells in guile an was wondering if we could pack our cons cells better than today. So this is some notes about this.Currently if x is a cons cell we have the relationx -> [SCMCAR,SCMCDR]This is really neat and makes guiles conses quite compact e.g. a vector y of two elements isy -> [SCMTAG,SCMV1,SCMV2], where SCMTAG containes the datatype tag and length of thevector.To compress even further we need a way to could usex ->[SCM/2/SCM/2], witt SCM/2 the same tagging half the size as the normal SCM with the interpretation that ifSCM/2 is a non emediate then it starts with 00 and is then interpreted as a signed integer i and the real adress is x + i, e.g. a relative adress regarding.We of cause must also add a fat cons cell of the formx -> [Tag,X,Y] for the case when SCM/2 is not fitting. Currently I can't see this beeing common. Butif we later makes floating point represented via nan boxing e.g. stored directly in a 64bit value thenthe cons cell will be mostly fat and there would be a speed reduction using cons cells. On the other hand there has been a considerable speed.There is a final sematic case that needs to be fixed. if we do a setcar on a thin cons cell and the cellthen becomes fat, we need to create the followingx -> oldthin -> newfate.g. we need to add a pointer type with the meaning of automatically follow the pointer if we encounter it. then oldthin is also tagging a variant of a cons cell. It is possible to keep it slimin the code that all fat cons cells is represented like that.How would a SCM_CAR be like?SCM SCM_CAR(SCM x)if(THIN(x)){}