Sure. Apologies for my confusion / misunderstanding.

On Sun, 19 Nov 2023 at 23:47, Maxime Devos <> wrote:

Op 18-11-2023 om 12:29 schreef Daniel Dinnyes:
> Hi Maxime,
> I am still not sure I understand what you meant.
> You've said you weren't referring to technical issue, but also that you
> "get stuck in some vague loop of sorts and can't figure out what the
> maybe-issue is".
> Regarding what to do with the "patches", I think a git pull should work,
> or alternatively a rebase would be unlikely to cause conflicts either.

That's not what I meant -- I meant how to review them and what to say
about them.

> Could you please clarify?

No, my entire point is that I can't clarify.

Best regards,
Daniel Dinnyes