Hello everyone, WARNING: I cannot commit to any of the work below but I would try to do a build system port if that makes sense. I have been trying guile for a while lately (again). So far, so great! Congratulations for this amazing piece of software. I am interested in making real use of it in two main areas: as a general scripting engine and for embedding in games. Racket is also very mature and very good as a platform, but I would like to put my effort in helping in guile maybe, especially because I use it as an alternative to python and because guile supports native threads. Here my questions: 1. As a general scripting engine, even if I love scheme, I know people do not use it much, so this becomes kind of a social problem in team usage: what is the status and roadmap to port: javascript, lua and python? I would like to be able to use as an alternative inside guile. What is the effort to complete javascript (I think it was started) in man-hours? 2. Windows works under POSIX. What would be the effort of doing a port to native windows threads? Effort in man-hours? 3. Is there any interest in switching to meson build system? I think that it works very well already and supports windows much better than autotools. I have used it myself and it is improving day by day. I think it would be reasonable to do 2. and 3. together if there is will. I could help converting the project to meson as experimental myself. Effort in man-hours? 4. Interoperability: I was planning at some point, but I do not know if I will find the time, to find a painless (as painless as Chaiscript for example) way to bind scheme to C++ directly (not C), because it is the main language I make use of. So maybe I could make use of the native bindings and put a thin layer on top of it. Right now it makes a lot of sense for me as a C API but I find it too verbose to use from C++: in C++ maybe I could do better, something more similar to Chaiscript or https://github.com/pybind/pybind11. All this said, I am kind of a rookie still in scheme, but I am enjoying it like no other dynamic language before :) I would like to see guile succeed and I think that supporting more languages is critical given that scheme's popularity is not as big as python's or javascript's, but it is still possible to do so much more in guile that I would not like to lose the chance to use it. Thanks for your time.