Hey guys,

I'd like to apply to work on Guile for this years GSOC. I saw Mark's TODO list and thought that working towards a register-based VM in guile looks like a fun project. I was wondering about your thoughts on doing this as a GSOC project. Do you think it is possible to complete such a project in 3 months? If not, maybe there's a smaller project that could be used as a stepping stone towards a register-based VM and then native compilation.

I've also taken a look at some of Guile's source code and it seems like a lot of the code depends on certain stack-based features of the VM right now, so I can see it could be more complex than compiling the scheme source code to a different set of opcodes. Since you guys are obviously more familiar with the Guile code, what would your approach be to do it?

Any insights you have would be much appreciated :)
