For what it's worth:

Then I of course retract what I said about RMS not showing good leadership by not consulting with Andy and Ludovic. I still support the initiative to find a new governing structure for GNU. Note also that both the GNU maintainers statement and RMS himself talk about new governing structure for GNU (RMS by saying that there has to be good leadership when he is gone). Maybe there is common ground here?

I also realize that I didn't answer Andy's question about the relationship between Guile and GNU:

To me, Mike Gran's message was insightful. Read that carefully. I also note that I'm using GNU tools every day, so it must mean something.

Best regards,

On Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 3:08 AM Mark H Weaver <> wrote:
Hello all,

I just realized that I made a mistake, and my mistake has caused people
to strongly condemn RMS for something that he did not actually do.

RMS has not yet appointed me as a co-maintainer.  To my knowledge, the
only thing he has done so far is to *ask* me if I wanted to be appointed
co-maintainer.  I answered "yes", but I've not yet received any further
messages from him on this topic.  I also note that I'm not listed as a
maintainer in the official list of maintainers.

I misinterpreted RMS's question as an offer, and that was my mistake.
The fault is mine, and mine alone.  RMS should not be blamed for it.


Andy Wingo <> wrote:
> Still, it was with surprise that I woke up this morning to a request
> from Mark to re-join the Guile project on Savannah, saying that RMS had
> appointed Mark to become co-maintainer, and that Mark assented -- "given
> recent events".
> Now, Richard has no idea about Guile or how it works either technically
> or socially, and has not consulted with me as Guile maintainer, nor to
> my knowledge did he consult with Ludovic.

"Thompson, David" <> wrote:
> But now that I know that the truth is that RMS, as chief nuisance, put
> Mark back into this role without the consent of either active Guile
> co-maintainer, and without even telling them, I am extremely
> disappointed and I do not approve.

Christopher Lemmer Webber <> wrote:
> I'm extremely saddened to see RMS pull this move.  It seriously
> undermines faith for maintainers of GNU projects that ther is any
> semblance of fair governance, and that the rug can't be pulled out from
> under their feet at any time.