And there's more, its a pattern; I dont know if you troll everyone like this or if I represent something you feel opposed to, but I do know that it was enough for me to become allergic to Guile/Guix community until I started hanging out on Mastodon and discovered many guix have retreated there.
First, I apologize for not having gone through all the comments and reviews or mailing lists messages you guys are discussing. I just wanted to give my cent (not even two) about the paragraph above.
My interactions with Maxime (mainly through code reviews) have been great. The biggest review was the one done to merge libevent support into Fibers. Maxime found the time to review a quite big PR and added a bunch of useful comments. Reviewing that PR took a lot of effort and I just felt better after fixing all the comments made. I was even surprised he (I'm assuming this pronoun) did.
I've always taken code reviews as an opportunity to learn (not suggesting that you are not, far from that), and whether it's true that Maxime had a lot of comments (all of them made sense as far as I remember), it's also true that he is one of the few ones to make code reviews (specially in Guile). And my feeling is he just wants things to be as correct as possible, which is quite important, especially in a programming language.
Exchanging messages in a written form has its own challenges (your mood on that day, maybe you phrase things in a way that can be misunderstood, ...). So I will stop writing and just leave you all with a smiley face. :-)