From mboxrd@z Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
From: "Philip McGrath" <>
Newsgroups: gmane.lisp.guile.devel
Subject: Re: [PATCH] add language/wisp to Guile?
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On Sat, Feb 18, 2023, at 10:58 AM, Maxime Devos wrote:
> On 18-02-2023 04:50, Philip McGrath wrote:
>> I haven't read the patch or this thread closely,
> I'll assume you have read it non-closely.
>> but R6RS has an answer to any concerns about compatibility with `#lan=
g`. At the beginning of Chapter 4, "Lexical and Datum Syntax" (<http://w=>) the report spe=
>>>   An implementation must not extend the lexical or datum syntax in a=
ny way, with one exception: it need not treat the syntax `#!<identifier>=
`, for any <identifier> (see section 4.2.4) that is not `r6rs`, as a syn=
tax violation, and it may use specific `#!`-prefixed identifiers as flag=
s indicating that subsequent input contains extensions to the standard l=
exical or datum syntax. The syntax `#!r6rs` may be used to signify that =
the input afterward is written with the lexical syntax and datum syntax =
described by this report. `#!r6rs` is otherwise treated as a comment; se=
e section 4.2.3.
> That is for '#!lang', not '#lang'.  R6RS allows the former, but the=20
> patch does the latter.  As such, R6RS does not have an answer about=20
> incompatibility with `#lang', unless you count =E2=80=98it's incompati=
ble=E2=80=99 as an=20
> answer.

Let me try to be more concrete.

If you want a portable, RnRS-standardized lexical syntax for `#lang`, us=
e `#!<identifier>`, and systems that understand `#lang` will treat it (i=
n appropriate contexts) as an alias for `#lang `.

Alternatively, you could embrace that Guile (like every other Scheme sys=
tem I'm aware of) starts by default in a mode with implementation-specif=
ic extensions. Indeed, R6RS Appendix A specifically recognizes that "the=
 default mode offered by a Scheme implementation may be non-conformant, =
and such a Scheme implementation may require special settings or declara=
tions to enter the report-conformant mode" [1]. Then you could just writ=
e `#lang` and worry about the non-portable block comments some other day=
. This is what I would personally prefer.

>> In Racket, in the initial configuration of the reader when reading a =
file, "`#!` is an alias for `#lang` followed by a space when `#!` is fol=
lowed by alphanumeric ASCII, `+`, `-`, or `_`." (See <https://docs.racke=>.) [...] > (Gu=
ile does not handle `#!r6rs` properly, presumably because of the=20
> legacy `#!`/`!#` block comments. I think this should be a surmountable=20
> obstacle, though, especially since Guile does support standard `#|`/`|=
> block comments.)
> =E2=80=98#! ... !#=E2=80=99 comments aren't legacy; they exist to allo=
w putting the=20
> shebang in the first line of a script, and to pass additional argument=
> to the Guile interpreter (see: (guile)The Top of a Script File) (*).  =
> such, you can't just replace them with #| ... |# (unless you patch the=20
> kernel to recognise "#| ..." as a shebang line).
> (*) Maybe they exist for other purposes too.

According to "(guile)Block Comments", the `#!...!#` syntax existed befor=
e Guile 2.0 added support for `#|...|#` comments from SRFI 30 and R6RS.

> Furthermore, according to the kernel, #!r6rs would mean that the scrip=
> needs to be interpreted by a program named 'r6rs', but 'guile' is name=
> 'guile', not 'r6rs'.  (I assume this is in POSIX somewhere, though I=20
> couldn't find it.)
> (This is an incompatibility between R6RS and any system that has sheba=

This is not an incompatibility, because the `#!r6rs` lexeme (or `#!<iden=
tifier>`, more generally) is not the shebang line for the script. R6RS A=
ppendix D [2] gives this example of a Scheme script:

#!/usr/bin/env scheme-script
(import (rnrs base)
        (rnrs io ports)
        (rnrs programs))
(put-bytes (standard-output-port)
                 (cadr (command-line)))

The appendix says that, "if the first line of a script begins with `#!/`=
 or `#!<space>`, implementations should ignore it on all platforms, even=
 if it does not conform to the recommended syntax". Admittedly this is n=
ot handled as consistently as I would prefer: I wish they had just stand=
ardized `#!/` and `#! ` as special comment syntax, as Racket does, and c=
larified the interaction with `#!<identifier>`. But Matt points out that=
 JavaScript also has very similar special treatment for a single initial=
 shebang comment. Lua has a similar mechanism: my vague recollection is =
that many languages do.=20

>>> (^) it doesn't integrate with the module system -- more concretely,
>>> (use-modules (foo)) wouldn't try loading foo.js -- adding '-x' argum=
>>> would solve that, but we agree that that would be unreasonable in ma=
>>> situations.  (Alternatively one could place ECMAScript code in a file
>>> with extension '.scm' with a '#lang' / '-*- mode: ecmascript -*-', b=
>>> ... no.)

Generally I would use `.scm` (or `.rkt`), and certainly I would do so if=
 there isn't some well-established other extension. If you are just usin=
g the file, you shouldn't necessarily have to care what language it's im=
plemented in internally.

In particular, I don't think the `#lang` concept should be conflated wit=
h editor configuration like `'-*- mode: ecmascript -*-`. As an example, =
consider these two Racket programs:

parent(anchises, aeneas).
parent(aeneas, ascanius).
ancestor(A, B) :- parent(A, B).
ancestor(A, B) :- parent(A, C), ancestor(C, B).
ancestor(A, ascanius)?

#lang algol60
    comment Credit to Rosetta Code;
    integer procedure fibonacci(n); value n; integer n;
        integer i, fn, fn1, fn2;
        fn2 :=3D 1;
        fn1 :=3D 0;
        fn  :=3D 0;
        for i :=3D 1 step 1 until n do begin
            fn  :=3D fn1 + fn2;
            fn2 :=3D fn1;
            fn1 :=3D fn
        fibonacci :=3D fn
    integer i;
    for i :=3D 0 step 1 until 20 do printnln(fibonacci(i))

While I'm sure there are Emacs modes available for Datalog and Algol 60,=
 and some people might want to use them for these programs, I would prob=
ably want to edit them both in racket-mode: because racket-mode supports=
 the `#lang` protocol, it can obtain the syntax highlighting, indentatio=
n, and other support defined by each language, while also retaining the =
global features that all `#lang`-based languages get "for free", like a =
tool to rename variables that respects the actual model of scope. This i=
s one of the value propositions of the `#lang` system.

>> Racket has a mechanism to enable additional source file extensions wi=
thout needing explicit command-line arguments by defining `module-suffix=
es` or `doc-modules-suffixes` in a metadata module that is consulted whe=
n the collection is "set up":
fo.html However, this mechanism is not widely used.
> I guess this is an improvement over the runtime 'guile -x extension'.
> However, if I'm understanding 'setup-info.html' correctly, the downsid=
> is that you now need a separate file containing compilation settings.
> I have previously proposed a mechanism that makes the '-x' +=20
> '--language' a compile-time thing (i.e., embed the source file extensi=
> in the compiled .go; see previous e-mails in this thread), without=20
> having to make a separate file containing compilation settings.
> How is Racket's method an improvement over my proposal?

My focus in this thread is explaining and advocating for `#lang`. I see =
the whole business with file extensions as basically orthogonal to `#lan=
g`, and my opinions about it are much less strong, but I'll try to answe=
r your question. I think it would make sense for `.go` files to record t=
he file extension of their corresponding source files: Racket's `.zo` fi=
les do likewise. I don't object to a command-line option *at compile-tim=
e* (as you said) to enable additional file extensions, and I agree that =
there isn't a huge difference between that and an approach with a separa=
te configuration file, though I do find the configuration-file approach =
somewhat more declarative, which I prefer.

What I was really trying to argue here is that the file extension should=
 not determine the meaning of the program it contains: more on that belo=

>> Overall, the experience of the Racket community strongly suggests tha=
t a file should say what language it is written in. Furthermore, that la=
nguage is a property of the code, not of its runtime environment, so env=
ironment variables, command-line options, and similar extralinguistic me=
chanism are a particularly poor fit for controlling it.
> Agreed on the 'no environment variables' thing, disagreed on the 'no=20
> command-line options'.  In the past e-mails in this thread, there was=20
> agreement on the =E2=80=98embed the source file extension in the compi=
led .go or=20
> something like that; and add -x extension stuff _when compiling_ (not=20
> runtime!) the software that uses the extension=E2=80=99.
> Do you any particular issues with that proposal?  AFAICT, it solves=20
> everything and is somewhat more straightforward that Racket.

I don't have particular issues with a compile-time command-line option t=
o determine which files to compile. I do object to using command-line op=
tions or file extensions to determine what language a file is written in=

>> File extensions are not the worst possible mechanisms, but they have =
similar problems: code written in an unsaved editor or a blog post may n=
ot have a file extension.
> With the proposal I wrote, it remains possible to override any 'file=20
> extension -> language' mapping.  It's not in any way incompatible with=20
> "-*- lang: whatever -*-"-like comments.
> Additionally, Guile can only load files that exist (i.e, 'saved'); Gui=
> is not an editor or blog reader, so these do not appear problems for=20
> Guile to me.

While it's true that the only files Guile can load are "files that exist=
", it's not true that "Guile can only load files": consider procedures l=
ike `eval-string`, `compile`, and, ultimately, `read-syntax`.

AFAICT, to the extent that Guile's current implementations of such proce=
dures support multiple languages, they rely on out-of-band configuration=
, like an optional `#:language` argument, which is just as extra-linguis=
tic as relying on command-line options, environment variables, or file e=
xtensions. What I'm trying to advocate is that programs should say in-ba=
nd, as part of their source code, what language they are written in.

> If the editor needs to determine the language for syntax highlighting =
> such, then there exist constructs like ';; -*- mode: scheme -*-' that=20
> are valid Scheme, but that's not a Guile matter.

See above for why the `#!language/wisp` option is perfectly valid R6RS S=
cheme and for some of my concerns about overloading editor configuration=
 to determine the semantics of programs.

More broadly, everyone who reads a piece of source code, including human=
s as well as editors and the `guile` executable, needs to know what lang=
uage it's written in to hope to understand it.

>> (For more on this theme, see the corresponding point of the Racket Ma=
nifesto: <
-racket-manifesto/paper.pdf>) Actually writing the language into the sou=
rce code has proven to work well.
> What is the corresponding point?  I'm not finding any search results f=
> 'file extension' or 'file name', and I'm not finding any relevant sear=
> results for 'editor'.  Could you give me a page reference and a releva=
> quote?

I was trying to refer to section 5, "Racket Internalizes Extra-Linguisti=
c Mechanisms", which begins on p. 121 (p. 9 of the PDF). Admittedly, the=
 connection between the main set of examples they discuss and this conve=
rsation is non-obvious. Maybe the most relevant quote is the last paragr=
aph of that section, on p. 123 (PDF p. 11): "Finally, Racket also intern=
alizes other aspects of its context. Dating back to the beginning, Racke=
t programs can programmatically link modules and classes. In conventiona=
l languages, programmers must resort to extra-linguistic tools to abstra=
ct over such linguistic constructs; only ML-style languages and some scr=
ipting languages make modules and classes programmable, too." (Internal =
citations omitted.)

>> To end with an argument from authority, this is from Andy Wingo's "le=
ssons learned from guile, the ancient & spry" (<

Sorry, this was meant to be tongue-in-cheek, and it seems that didn't co=
me across. "Argument from authority" is often considered a category of l=
ogical fallacy, and ending with a quote is sometimes considered to be ba=
d style or to weaken a piece of persuasive writing.

>    * I previously pointed out some problems with that proposal
>      -- i.e., '#lang whatever' is bogus Scheme / Wisp / ...,

I hope I've explained why something like `#!language/wisp` is perfectly =
within the bounds of R6RS.

Also, given that Guile already starts with non-standard extensions enabl=
ed by default, I don't see any reason not to also support `#lang languag=
e/wisp`. In particular, the spelling of `#lang` proceeds directly from t=
he Scheme tradition. This is from the R6RS Rationale document, chapter 4=
, "Lexical Syntax", section 3, "Future Extensions" [3]:

>>>> The `#` is the prefix of several different kinds of syntactic entit=
ies: vectors, bytevectors, syntactic abbreviations related to syntax con=
struction, nested comments, characters, `#!r6rs`, and implementation-spe=
cific extensions to the syntax that start with `#!`. In each case, the c=
haracter following the `#` specifies what kind of syntactic datum follow=
s. In the case of bytevectors, the syntax anticipates several different =
kinds of homogeneous vectors, even though R6RS specifies only one. The `=
u8` after the `#v` identifies the components of the vector as unsigned 8=
-bit entities or octets.=20

>      and
>      'the module system won't find it, because of the unexpected
>      file extensions'.

This is indeed something that needs to be addressed, but it seems like a=
 very solvable problem. Using the extension ".scm" for everything would =
be one trivial solution. Something like your proposal to enable file ext=
ensions based on a compile-time option could likewise be part of a solut=

In general, I'll say that, while using Guile, I've often missed Racket's=
 more flexible constructs for importing modules. I especially miss `(req=
uire "foo/bar.rkt")`, which imports a module at a path relative to the m=
odule where the `require` form appears: it makes it easy to organize sma=
ll programs into multiple files without having to mess with a load path.

More messages have come since I started writing this reply, so I'll try =
to address them, too.

On Thu, Feb 23, 2023, at 1:04 PM, Maxime Devos wrote:
> On 23-02-2023 09:51, Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:
>>> Thinking a bit more about it, it should be possible to special-case
>>> Guile's interpretation of "#!" such that "#!r6rs" doesn't require a
>>> closing "!#".  (Technically backwards-incompatible, but I don't think
>>> people are writing #!r6rs ...!# in the wild.)
>> Do you need the closing !# if you restrict yourself to the first line?
> I thought so at first, but doing a little experiment, it appears you=20
> don't need to:
> $ guile
> scheme@(guile-user)> #!r6rs
> (display "hi") (newline)
> (output: hi)
> Apparently Guile already has required behaviour.

All the `#!r6rs` examples I've tried since I got Ludo=E2=80=99's mail ha=
ve worked, but I remember some not working as I'd expected in the past. =
I'll see if I can come up with any problematic examples again.

On Thu, Feb 23, 2023, at 1:42 PM, Maxime Devos wrote:
> Have you seen my messages on how the "#lang" construct is problematic=20
> for some languages, and how alternatives like "[comment delimiter] -*-=20
> stuff: scheme/ecmascript/... -*- [comment delimiter]" appear to be=20
> equally simple (*) and not have any downsides (**).
> (*) The port encoding detection supports "-*- coding: whatever -*-",=20
> presumably that functionality could be reused.

IMO, the use of  "-*- coding: whatever -*-" to detect encoding is an ugl=
y hack and should not be extended further.

I tried to raise some objections above to conflating editor configuratio=
n with syntax saying what a file's language is.

More broadly, I find "magic comments" highly objectionable. The whole po=
int of comments is to be able to communicate freely to human readers wit=
hout affecting the interpreter/compiler/evaluator. Introducing magic com=
ments means must constantly think about whether what you are writing for=
 humans might change the meaning of your program. Magic comments *withou=
t knowing a priori what is a comment* are even worse: now, you have to b=
eware of accidental "magic" in ALL of the lexical syntax of your program=
. (Consider that something like `(define (-*- mode: c++ -*-) 14)` is per=
fectly good Scheme.)

(It's not really relevant for the `#lang`-like case, but something I fin=
d especially ironic about encoding "magic comments" or, say, `<?xml vers=
ion=3D"1.0" encoding=3D"UTF-8"?>`, is that suddenly if you encode the Un=
icode text in some other encoding it becomes a lie.)

On Fri, Feb 24, 2023, at 6:51 PM, Maxime Devos wrote:
> On 25-02-2023 00:48, Maxime Devos wrote:
>>>> (**)=C2=A0For=C2=A0compatibility=C2=A0with=C2=A0Racket,=C2=A0it's=C2=
>>>> implement=C2=A0both=C2=A0"#lang"=C2=A0and=C2=A0"-*-=C2=A0stuff:=C2=A0=
> TBC, I mean =E2=80=98only support #lang' for values of 'lang' that Rac=
> supports=E2=80=99

If I understand what you're proposing here, I don't think it's a viable =

The fundamental purpose of the `#lang` construct (however you spell it) =
is to provide an open, extensible protocol for defining languages. Thus,=
 "values of 'lang' that Racket supports" are unbounded, provided that a =
module has been installed where the language specification says to look.=
 From The Racket Reference [4]:

>>>> The `#lang` reader form is similar to `#reader`, but more constrain=
ed: the `#lang` must be followed by a single space (ASCII 32), and then =
a non-empty sequence of alphanumeric ASCII, `+`, `-`, `_`, and/or `/` ch=
aracters terminated by whitespace or an end-of-file. The sequence must n=
ot start or end with `/`. A sequence `#lang =E2=80=B9name=E2=80=BA` is e=
quivalent to either `#reader (submod =E2=80=B9name=E2=80=BA reader)` or =
`#reader =E2=80=B9name=E2=80=BA/lang/reader`, where the former is tried =
first guarded by a `module-declared?` check (but after filtering by `cur=
rent-reader-guard`, so both are passed to the value of `current-reader-g=
uard` if the latter is used). Note that the terminating whitespace (if a=
ny) is not consumed before the external reading procedure is called.
>>>> Finally, `#!` is an alias for `#lang` followed by a space when `#!`=
 is followed by alphanumeric ASCII, `+`, `-`, or `_`. Use of this alias =
is discouraged except as needed to construct programs that conform to ce=
rtain grammars, such as that of R6RS [Sperber07].

(The rationale for the constraints, which Racketeers generally tend to c=
hafe against, is that the syntax of `#lang=E2=80=B9name=E2=80=BA` is the=
 one and only thing that `#lang` doesn't give us a way to compatibly cha=
nge. We can quickly get to a less constrained syntax by using a chaining=
 "meta-language": see `#lang s-exp` and `#lang reader` on that page for =
two of many examples.)

I expect reading this would raise more questions, because that page give=
s lots of details on Racket's `#lang` protocol. Do I really expect Guile=
 to implement all of those details? If not, in what sense is what I'm ad=
vocating actually compatible with `#lang`?

I am definitely **not** suggesting that Guile implement all the details =
of Racket's `#lang` implementation. What I do strongly advocate is that =
you design Guile's support for `#lang` (or `#!`) to leave open a pathway=
 for compatibility in the future.

I think the best way to explain how that would work is to take as an ext=
ended example Zuo, the tiny Scheme-like language created last year to re=
place the build scripts for Racket and Racket's branch of Chez Scheme. Z=
uo was initially prototyped in Racket as a `#lang` language. Since the g=
oal was to use Zuo to build Racket, the primary implementation is an int=
erpreter implemented in a single file of C code, avoiding bootstrapping =
issues. There isn't a working Zuo implementation as a Racket at the mome=
nt. (There's a shim implementation, and there's some work in progress, a=
s people have time and interest, to get a real implementation working ag=

Zuo is based on `#lang`, but its protocol [5][6] is quite different than=
 Racket's. Nevertheless, as I will explain, they are compatible.

The C code in fact implements not `#lang zuo` or even `#lang zuo/base` b=
ut `#lang zuo/kernel`: the rest of `#lang zuo` is implemented in Zuo, bu=
ilding up to `#lang zuo` through a series of internal languages. A modul=
e written in `#lang zuo/kernel` is a single expression which produces an=
 immutable symbol-keyed hash table, which is Zup's core representation o=
f a module. When Zuo encounters `#lang whatever`, it looks up the symbol=
 `'read-and-eval` in the hash table representing the module `whatever`: =
the result should be a procedure that, given a Zuo string (a Scheme byte=
vector) with the source of the module, returns a hash table to be used a=
s the module's representation.

An implementation of `#lang zuo/kernel` in Racket would bridge this prot=
ocol with Racket's `#lang` by synthesizing `reader` submodules implement=
ing the procedures the Racket protocol expects by wrapping the procedure=
 mapped to `'read-and-eval` in the Zuo-level hash table. The wrappers wo=
uld propagate themselves, so a language implemented in a language implem=
ented in `#lang zuo/kernel` would likewise be automatically bridged, and=
 so on ad infinitum. Racket's submodules [7] make this work especially e=

In Guile, my experience with the tower of languages is limited, but AIUI=
 many of the existing facilities are like `lookup-language`[8] in expect=
ing language X to be implemented by a language object bound to X in the =
module `(language X spec)`. I'd suggest that Guile support `#lang langua=
ge/X` (or `#!language/X`, if you prefer to spell it that way) by likewis=
e looking up X in the `(language X spec)` module. One day, compatibility=
 could be achieved by adding trivial bridge (sub)modules: for an illustr=
ation of how trivial this can be, see [8], a one-line module that makes =
SRFI 11 available as `(import (srfi :11))` for R6RS by wrapping its hist=
orical PLT Scheme location, `(require srfi/11)`.

I would NOT suggest supporting arbitrary things after `#lang`, because o=
ne part of planning for compatibility is avoiding future namespace colli=
sions. Happily, `language/` is not otherwise in use in the Racket world,=
 so I suggest that Guile claim it. I don't think this should be overly r=
estrictive: if it seems worth-while to support languages from other modu=
les, you could implement the "chaining meta-language" approach I mention=
ed above: imagine something like `#!language/other (@ (some other module=
) exported-language)`, where the `other` export of `(language other spec=
)` is responsible for reading the next datum and using it to obtain the =
language object to be used for the rest of the module.

(Other kinds of potential namespace collisions are easier to manage: for=
 example, we could imagine that `(use-modules (foo bar baz))` might not =
access the same module as `(require foo/bar/baz)`. This is in a way an e=
xample of where it makes sense to be constrained in the syntax of `#lang=
` itself and let `#lang` unlock endless possibilities.)

I've sort of alluded above to my pipe dream of a grand unified future fo=
r Racket-and-Guile-on-Chez, Guile-and-Racket-on-the-Guile-VM, and endles=
s other possibilities. I wrote about it in more detail on the guix-devel=
 list at [10]. (These thoughts were inspired by conversations with Chris=
tine Lemmer-Webber, though she bears no responsibility for my zany imagi=

Finally, I looked into the history of `#!` in R6RS a bit, and I'll leave=
 a few pointers here for posterity. Will Clinger's 2015 Scheme Workshop =
paper [11] says in section 3.1 that "Kent Dybvig suggested the `#!r6rs` =
flag in May 2006", Clinger "formally proposed addition of Dybvig=E2=80=99=
s suggestion" [12], and, "less than six weeks later," `#!r6rs` was "in t=
he R6RS editors=E2=80=99 status report". (I am not persuaded by all of t=
he arguments about `#!r6rs` in that paper: in particular, the analysis d=
oesn't seem to account for R6RS Appendix A [1].) As best as I can tell, =
the suggestion from Kent Dybvig is [13]:

On Wed May 10 15:40:13 EDT 2006, Kent Dybvig wrote:
> We already have (as of last week's meeting) a syntax for dealing with
> implementation-dependent lexical exceptions, which is to allow for
> #!<symbol-like-thing>, e.g.:
>  #!mzsceheme
>  #!larceny
>  ...
> Perhaps we can plan on using the same tool for future extensions to the
> syntax:
>  #!r7rs
> We can even require #!r6rs to appear at the top of a library now, or at
> least allow it to be included.
> This is a lot more concise than a MIME content-type line.
> Kent

I haven't tracked down any older writing about `#!<symbol-like-thing>` f=
or "implementation-dependent lexical exceptions": it may have been a con=
ference call.

