Hi! I just wanted to announce that I've been working a bit on a GOOPS-based implementation of SRFI-35 ("Conditions"). It seems to basically work, except compound conditions, which are not-yet implemented. My implementation is based on the SRFI reference implementation, but differs a good deal because it uses GOOPS classes instead of SRFI-9 ("Defining record types"). Right now, the thing lives in the module (itla srfi-35), since my iTLA thingy[0] will use it. I'd like comments: [0] http://yi.org/rotty/ITLA * On issues with the code * How to proceed to get this into Guile * How I can ship it with iTLA in a way that's compatible with both Guile versions that don't come with this SRFI and Guile CVS (which might come with it in the near future /mehopes). I thought installing it into /usr/[local/]guile/srfi/srfi-35.scm might work, since this will be used if there is no such module in /usr/[local/]guile/1.X/srfi and the one in Guile will be prefered if present. * Everything else that matters (or doesn't ;-) The latest & greatest code is always available via Arch (see [0]), though I've attached the code and test cases (basically the examples in the SRFI; non-working stuff is commented out).