Hi, I just got the most beautiful feedback on Wisp as a Scheme primer, so I would like to nag about inclusion of SRFI-119 into Guile again: »I tend to use [Wisp] as a Scheme primer for colleagues that are used to Python but want to explore the realms of functional programming without … having to break with known syntax and conventions … it makes Scheme way more “approachable” while not drifting too much apart. Before using Wisp as an introduction, I got occasional feedback that parens where seen as confusing/somewhat cluttery in terms of readability; Wisp looks as clean, plain and readable as Python code; which makes it relatively easy to awake interest for Scheme in folks that are accustomed to Python already.« — Wilko https://emacs.ch/@thees/111720771253976695 Inclusion in Guile would make it much easier for them to just try Wisp on any of the supported platforms, so I think this is a strong indicator that inclusion of Wisp would help spread Guile Scheme. => Is the squashed patch ok to merge? Link to the patch in the archives: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guile-devel/2023-08/msg00011.html Best wishes, Arne -- Unpolitisch sein heißt politisch sein, ohne es zu merken. draketo.de