Attila Lendvai writes: > IOW, if you don't want changes in your dependencies, then just don't update them. This does not work. You often have to update dependencies for security reasons. Got a new gnutls or openssl or openssh with new cyphers you need to have a working program — will Guile 3 get updated to support them or will you be forced to migrate to Guile 4 to keep your tool working? Do you want to create tools that people have to restrict to internal networks a decade from now (anyone else thinking of companies still bound to Windows XP?)? Or do you want Guile tools to build a reliable path into the future where we can consistently build upon existing work and actually stand on the shoulders of giants? If so, we must avoid repeatedly breaking the giants’ knees. Best wishes, Arne -- Unpolitisch sein heißt politisch sein, ohne es zu merken.