Hello everyone, It's that time of the year again we need to start organizing about FOSDEM. We have a deadline for the 20th of September[1] to apply for a devroom. We also need to start looking for a place for this year's fringe event! I created a libreplanet page[2] to start writing possible talk ideas in case we get a devroom. We also need to write a proposal for our devroom application. The last year's proposal should be a good start. (attached) We should also talk with the Lua people in case we can share a devroom with them. Start sending ideas people!! This FOSDEM is going to be awesome! Thank you, Manolis [1] https://fosdem.org/2019/news/2018-08-10-call-for-participation/ [2] https://libreplanet.org/wiki/Group:Guix/FOSDEM2019