Hi guile hackers, I'm experiencing the VM coring in a repeatable manner. My application launches a number of threads, which pass objects from one thread to another via queues (ice-9 q). To ensure thread- safety, the queues are actually accessed via (container async-queue) from guile-lib-0.2.2; see: http://git.savannah.gnu.org/gitweb/?p=guile-lib.git;a=blob;f=src/container/async-queue.scm;h=82841f12eefe42ef6dacbbca8f0057723964323b;hb=HEAD The idea is that if one thread adds an object to a queue, while another is taking an object off a queue, a mutex will (or should) ensure that only one thread alters the underlying queue objects at a time. I've built guile with --enable-debug, and compiled with -ggdb3. After the VM cores, gdb reveals this (apologies for the long lines): (gdb) bt #0 0xffffffff7e77b5f4 in enqueue (q=0x1010892c0, t=0x1018aac20) at threads.c:309 #1 0xffffffff7e77bc20 in block_self (queue=0x1010892c0, sleep_object=0x1010892d0, mutex=0x1019eef00, waittime=0x0) at threads.c:452 #2 0xffffffff7e77df50 in fat_mutex_lock (mutex=0x1010892d0, timeout=0x0, owner=0x904, ret=0xffffffff734f92ac) at threads.c:1473 #3 0xffffffff7e77e0e0 in scm_lock_mutex_timed (m=0x1010892d0, timeout=0x904, owner=0x904) at threads.c:1513 #4 0xffffffff7e78e9f4 in vm_regular_engine (vm=0x1018aabd0, program=0xffffffff7e94a4d0 , argv=0xffffffff734fa2c0, nargs=3) at vm-i-system.c:858 #5 0xffffffff7e7b2ea0 in scm_c_vm_run (vm=0x1018aabd0, program=0x1003a3720, argv=0xffffffff734fa2a8, nargs=3) at vm.c:753 #6 0xffffffff7e68b8ac in scm_call_3 (proc=0x1003a3720, arg1=0x404, arg2=0x101980cc0, arg3=0x1011fac40) at eval.c:500 #7 0xffffffff7e7810c0 in scm_catch (key=0x404, thunk=0x101980cc0, handler=0x1011fac40) at throw.c:73 #8 0xffffffff7e77cc60 in really_launch (d=0xffffffff7fffa6f0) at threads.c:1009 #9 0xffffffff7e67b390 in c_body (d=0xffffffff734fb9b8) at continuations.c:511 #10 0xffffffff7e781564 in apply_catch_closure (clo=0x101fd30c0, args=0x304) at throw.c:146 #11 0xffffffff7e73cc6c in apply_1 (smob=0x101fd30c0, a=0x304) at smob.c:142 #12 0xffffffff7e78e9b0 in vm_regular_engine (vm=0x1018aabd0, program=0x1002c8700, argv=0xffffffff734fb690, nargs=2) at vm-i-system.c:855 #13 0xffffffff7e7b2ea0 in scm_c_vm_run (vm=0x1018aabd0, program=0x1003a3720, argv=0xffffffff734fb670, nargs=4) at vm.c:753 #14 0xffffffff7e68b91c in scm_call_4 (proc=0x1003a3720, arg1=0x404, arg2=0x101fd30c0, arg3=0x101fd30a0, arg4=0x101fd3080) at eval.c:507 #15 0xffffffff7e7811f4 in scm_catch_with_pre_unwind_handler (key=0x404, thunk=0x101fd30c0, handler=0x101fd30a0, pre_unwind_handler=0x101fd3080) at throw.c:86 #16 0xffffffff7e781664 in scm_c_catch (tag=0x404, body=0xffffffff7e67b364 , body_data=0xffffffff734fb9b8, handler=0xffffffff7e67b3ac , handler_data=0xffffffff734fb9b8, pre_unwind_handler=0xffffffff7e67b438 , pre_unwind_handler_data=0x1002ccaf0) at throw.c:213 #17 0xffffffff7e67b14c in scm_i_with_continuation_barrier (body=0xffffffff7e67b364 , body_data=0xffffffff734fb9b8, handler=0xffffffff7e67b3ac , handler_data=0xffffffff734fb9b8, pre_unwind_handler=0xffffffff7e67b438 , pre_unwind_handler_data=0x1002ccaf0) at continuations.c:449 #18 0xffffffff7e67b52c in scm_c_with_continuation_barrier (func=0xffffffff7e77cb74 , data=0xffffffff7fffa6f0) at continuations.c:545 #19 0xffffffff7e77c924 in with_guile_and_parent (base=0xffffffff734fbb50, data=0xffffffff734fbc18) at threads.c:908 #20 0xffffffff7e32e138 in GC_call_with_stack_base () from /opt/cs/components/3rd/bdw-gc/7.2.7e16628s16377h0398/lib/libgc.so.1 #21 0xffffffff7e77ca40 in scm_i_with_guile_and_parent (func=0xffffffff7e77cb74 , data=0xffffffff7fffa6f0, parent=0x100272d80) at threads.c:951 #22 0xffffffff7e77cce0 in launch_thread (d=0xffffffff7fffa6f0) at threads.c:1019 #23 0xffffffff7e337e00 in GC_inner_start_routine () from /opt/cs/components/3rd/bdw-gc/7.2.7e16628s16377h0398/lib/libgc.so.1 #24 0xffffffff7e32e138 in GC_call_with_stack_base () from /opt/cs/components/3rd/bdw-gc/7.2.7e16628s16377h0398/lib/libgc.so.1 #25 0xffffffff7e33ba64 in GC_start_routine () from /opt/cs/components/3rd/bdw-gc/7.2.7e16628s16377h0398/lib/libgc.so.1 #26 0xffffffff7c9d8b04 in _lwp_start () from /lib/64/libc.so.1 (gdb) list 304 SCM c = scm_cons (t, SCM_EOL); 305 SCM_CRITICAL_SECTION_START; 306 if (scm_is_null (SCM_CDR (q))) 307 SCM_SETCDR (q, c); 308 else 309 SCM_SETCDR (SCM_CAR (q), c); 310 SCM_SETCAR (q, c); 311 SCM_CRITICAL_SECTION_END; 312 return c; 313 } (gdb) p q $21 = (SCM) 0x1010892c0 (gdb) p c $22 = (SCM) 0x103aa4ad0 (gdb) p SCM_IMP(q) $23 = 0 (gdb) p SCM_IMP(c) $24 = 0 (gdb) p SCM2PTR(q) $25 = (scm_t_cell *) 0x1010892c0 (gdb) p *SCM2PTR(q) $26 = {word_0 = 0x304, word_1 = 0x1039c4c20} (gdb) p SCM2PTR(c) $27 = (scm_t_cell *) 0x103aa4ad0 (gdb) p *SCM2PTR(c) $28 = {word_0 = 0x1018aac20, word_1 = 0x304} (gdb) p SCM_CAR (q) $29 = (SCM) 0x304 (gdb) p SCM_CDR (c) $30 = (SCM) 0x304 (gdb) p SCM_SETCDR (SCM_CAR (q), c) Cannot access memory at address 0x30c Those 0x304 values look dodgy to me, and explain why the SCM_SETCDR causes an invalid memory access. This problem happens on Solaris 10, both on SPARC and x86. The failure mode is identical on both. I've been unable to replicate the problem on Linux/x86 and Linux/x86_64. The details are: - gcc-4.7.2 - bdw-gc-7.2d - guile-2.0.9 How do I fix this? Is this even related to the use of queues, or could the problem be due to heap corruption that has occurred somewhere else in the program, miles away from the enqueue function? Is there any other information I should provide that will help the guile hackers track this down? Thanks in advance, -- Andrew