Op 05-07-2023 om 12:42 schreef Blake Shaw: > I think the guile mailing list has come to suffer seriously from a > policing of what is appropriate for discussion. When I first started > getting into guile at the beginning of 2021, the list was more open, > active and enjoyable. Since then it has become a ghost town where > tumbleweeds blow by in the time that remains between intermittent duals. > But strangely there are still lots of people living in the town (ie > guile users), they just seldom visit main street these days. > > I'm personally interested to hear about what Stefan and other Guilers > are up to beyond Guile, insofar as nobody is directing hate or bigotry. > But more importantly, I wish that Guile could again become a space that > welcomes discourse insofar as that discourse isn't perceived by some as > causing harm or stirring irrelevant controversy. ’Being policed for basic on-topicness’ and ‘open and enjoyable’ are not mutually exclusive, and the former isn't a negative thing. I find the ‘ghost town’ analogy a rather bad analogy; I would instead say that 'guile-devel' is, say, a research lab (dedicated to Guile itself) in an alive research centre (dedicated to Guile in general) -- the Guile department isn't really alive, but that's just because of lack of applicants and interest in working on Guile itself, not because of a bad work environment. I don't have an issue with increasing the scope of what's considered on-topic of the mailing list to also include ‘what are others up to beyond Guile’ (changing it from ‘research lab’ to ‘an environment that contains a (strict) research lab and (non-strict) hanging-out area’ in the analogy). However, this increase in scope hasn't actually happened yet -- it's still named guile-devel (i.e., __development__) -- it needs a name change, or some documentation in the manual. Best regards, Maxime Devos