I'm sorry, I'm the one supposed to be working on a rehaul of the documentation, but the review process has slowed this down. I started integrating everyones suggestions for the revamped map section after it was proposed in January and its almost done but not complete, and but I've been so busy the past few months its really my last priority and given the extent of the changes demanded its a lot of work.

On Jul 6, 2023, at 02:53, MSavoritias <email@msavoritias.me> wrote:

Olivier Dion <olivier.dion@polymtl.ca> writes:

On Wed, 05 Jul 2023, Maxime Devos <maximedevos@telenet.be> wrote:
the Guile department isn't really alive, but that's just because of lack
of applicants and interest in working on Guile itself, not because of a
bad work environment.

On that matter, I do think lots of people are interested to work on
Guile core itself, myself included. However, I find it difficult to
contribute in general and to have feedback.

As a person learning guile right now for an xmpp client the
documentation is the biggest barrier. Followed by practical examples and
how to do stuff with libraries.

For example we have https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook/
for common lisp which is something I had in mind with the second
