Hi Neil, On Sat, May 24, 2008 at 7:42 AM, Neil Jerram wrote: > > OK, that's in now. I had a few minor comments, please see the attached. > Hey, that's great! I know there are some unresolved issues -- I'll address them as soon as I can. Thanks, again, to you and Ludovic for being patient and helpful in shaping that original morass of code over these many (almost 8? Yikes) months. As promised, I've written a NEWS entry; find attached a git patch for that. And I've taken a look at the comments you made and integrated them into a separate patch, also attached. I tried to write something resembling a ChangeLog entry in my commit message, as per what you and Andy Wingo were discussing earlier. Let me know if it's not sufficient. Sorry about the module import/export redundancies -- I was kind of fuzzy on the semantics around export vs. re-export vs. replace. Likewise object-property, of which I was unaware when I originally wrote that code last year. The only thing I didn't change was the `thread-terminate!' behavior. If I understand your comment, then, no, the exit of a non-canceled SRFI-18 thread doesn't require the installation of that exception handler. (That handler's purpose is to notify future joiners of the cancellation event, which is unnecessary if the thread is never canceled.) Regards, Julian