Hi Neil et al., > > Cool -- I'll set up make-mutex for Scheme, and for C as described > > above. Let me know if that's not okay. > > All sounds perfect to me. Find attached the latest revision of the core changes for SRFI-18 support. Key changes between this revision and the last are: * scm_to_timespec -> to_timespec * "Timeout values" for timed joins * The extension of make-mutex and addition of make_mutex_with_flags to support additional configuration options that persist for the lifetime of a mutex (unchecked unlocking and external unlocking) * fat_mutex_unlock now takes a condition variable and a timeout to support SRFI-18's condition-signal unlock semantics; mutex unlocking and condition variable waiting are reimplemented in terms of fat_mutex_unlock; unnecessary relocking / unlocking is no longer performed * The threads tests and scheduling documentation have been updated to reflect the above. Let me know what you think! Regards, Julian