Hello Mike, sorry I didn't answer your previous email yet, but my laptop refused to work little after I did read it, and it took me almost two days to get it back... > So, I've decided to make a go at finishing the GObject Introspection > and GTK3 story for Guile. I would very much like to have something > running in time for Fosdem 2019. Even getting back to work on G-Golf 'proper', I'm not sure I could match that schedule, so I understand your approach, no problem. > The former is beautiful code, the sort of code that you'd hope would > be able to solve the problem, but, I think the road to a beta release > doing things "properly" might take a long time. Thanks for the nice words. Yes, I really want to do things 'properly', and yes, it takes an awful lots of time ... but that is my objective... > But since I need something running in a couple of months, I'm going to > port PyGObject to Guile. PyGObject is complex and full of special > cases, which leads me to believe that a proper Guile binding also > would need to be so. Though PyGObject is complex, porting PyGObject > to Guile, however, looks comparatively straightforward. If I were you, I'd try to run and use sbank: https://github.com/rotty/sbank.git [ even though itis a bit old and will need some love, it's retty well [ written and is in schee already ... t needs SPE - "This is SPE, a small set of scripts to make it easier to do multi-implementation development of R6RS libraries.", which used to be here http://rotty.yi.org/software/spe/ That url is not active anymore, if you go that route, let me know, I have a copy and could send you a tarball (i's a small David