Gentle guile folks, I'm playing around with (sxml simple) and stumbled upon something I think might be a bug. Consider the following snippet: #!/usr/bin/guile -s !# (use-modules (sxml simple)) ;; An XML with two namespaces (one default) (define the-svg " ") ;; Note how SXML handles QNames (just concatenating NS and ;; local-name with a colon): (define the-sxml (with-input-from-string the-svg xml->sxml)) (format #t "~A\n" the-sxml) ;; If we try to serialize this: kaboom! (sxml->xml the-sxml) The parsing into SXML goes well, the (format ...) outputs what I'd expect. But the (sxml->xml ...) dies with: ERROR: In procedure scm-error: ERROR: Invalid QName: more than one colon I had a look at sxml simple and think the problem is that the function check-name (which is the one throwing the error) expects the name to be a QName (i.e. either a Name or a namespace abbreviation plus a colon plus a Name). But SXML tacks the whole namespaces to names (i.e. the whole "", for example -- not the "xlink"). When serializing to XML, we should go the way back, finding abbreviations for the namespaces used, prefixing the names with those abbreviations and issuing namespace declarations for those abbreviations (those funny xmlns:foo attributes). I've tried my hand at a patch which "works for me". Basically, what it does is to thread an extra parameter "nsmap", representing a mapping (namespace -> ns-abbreviation) valid at "this" position and below in the tree. When new, unseen namespaces come up, new abbreviations are "invented" (ns-abbrev-new), collected and the corresponding declarations printed. When recursing to sub-elements, the new mappings are added to the nsmap passed down. The result after the patch for the above example (a bit embellished) looks like this: Pretty clumsy, but basically correct. The attached patch is against "GNU Guile 2.0.5-deb+1-3". The relevant code hasn't changed up to the current development version. I'm not very happy with the patch as-is. Among other things, - I had a hard time doing what I wanted in a non-clumsy way. Especially, ns-abbr is a strange function and not very clear because it tries to do several things at once: replace the namespace by its abbreviation, signal a new mapping item whenever this abbreviation was new. But how to achieve this elegantly without doing several look-ups? - The namespace declarations are tacked at the end of the attribute list. This is plain opportunism: the tag may carry a namespace, and each of the attribute names too. Thus, it's very handy to collect all the unseen mappings (new-namespaces in element->xml) and output them at the end of the attribute list. But in XML it is usual to put the namespace declarations before the attributes (the "canonical" XML order even prescribes that). - The sxml code is pretty careful to not munge around too much with strings, but to output things ASAP to the port. I think I might be a bit more careful in that department. - In other XML libraries the user gets a choice on preferred namespace mappings (e.g. I'd like to be the default namespace -- or to be abbreviated as 'xlink'). This could be achieved by passing a function as an optional parameter which gets a try at a new namespace before ns-abbr-new gets at it. I'd be happy to prepare a patch against whatever version makes sense once we get some consensus on how to do it right. Thanks & regards -- tomás