Hello, debian testing guile (GNU Guile) I'm facing a problem with guile-gnome, make distcheck fails on debian, because no matter what, it wants to link to libcairo.la, which does not exists on debian... Here is a [multiple] paste I did while trying to solve the problem on #guile with Ludovic [sunday the 14th, 2014]: http://paste.lisp.org/display/144692 Just to be sure I've been clear in the log, make and make check work fine, the problem occurs at distcheck. Anyone has a brilliant idea? I'm toolchain [very] weak and libtool [totally] ignorant :) Also, while exposing my ignorance and/or brilliant ideas :), 2 other quizz: (1) make distcheck creates the distribution directory with the wrong permissions, I think (it forces me to chmod -R u+w ...; rm -rf ...): dr-xr-xr-x 18 david alto 4096 Dec 14 18:36 guile-gnome-platform-2.16.3/ is this expected ? (if it is, why is that so?) my umask is 0002 if not, where and how can I change that? (2) make distclean does not clean the directory and the tarball, is that also expected? Thanks, David