> To use Google Drive to store a document requires running some nonfree > software (written in Javascript). Try using it with JS disabled > and you'll see. I tried to fetch that URL and got nothing but > some Javascript code, and was unable to figure out how to access > the PDF. After some trial-and-error, I was able to determine from the served JS that this is the URL to download the PDF: https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0B9MgWvi9mywhblFxZTA4R1VDdlBSSW5aWENjZEZ0OXA5RTZJ (It will perform a redirect.) Not that this solves the problem, but will at least allow others to view the document in the meantime. -- Mike Gerwitz Free Software Hacker | GNU Maintainer http://mikegerwitz.com FSF Member #5804 | GPG Key ID: 0x8EE30EAB