Thank you.

OH! Sorry! I thought this is the only news-group. I'll ask further questions in the guile-user news group.
@Dave The Systemcall pipe isn't in the posix-module. Maybe it's not required. So there are changes it works just with the posix-module.
@Chris Thank you for library. I didn't know that. Looks really useful for me.

Chris Vine <> schrieb am 16:09 Mittwoch, 17.August 2016:

On Wed, 17 Aug 2016 09:56:58 -0400

"Thompson, David" <> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 9:35 AM, Tobias Reithmaier
> <> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > is there a way to program a Inter Process Communication (IPC) in
> > guile like you do it with the Linux-Libc-API with the combo fork,
> > pipe, dup2 and exec? If you use the popen-module it's not the same
> > because you have to wait until the program has finished.
> > But there are use-cases in that the program doesn't finish. e.g. a
> > server which outputs data every minute.
> >
> > So can i use the popen-module to control such a server with pipes?
> > Or is there another way? 
> Check out the "POSIX" section of the manual. Fork, dup, and exec are
> all available.

Tobias might also want to consider the run-with-pipe procedure, and the
run-concurrently+ procedure (with tail-call-program), as provided by
guile-lib ( ).

Tobias looks as if he has posted to the wrong newsgroup.  Follow ups
should I think go to guile-user (but I have not set them).
