I have a Lenovo TAB 2 A10-70F tablet computer running Android 5.0.1 on an ARM Cortex A53 Quad-Core processor with 2B RAMexit clocked at 1.7 GHz. I am running Termux 0.49, available from the Google Play Store, which provides a unix-like environment on the tablet, but without rooting it, and Termux:API 0.15, also available from the Google Play Store, which gives Termux access to the tablet hardware.

Termux is strange, probably because it must behave as an Android app since it does not root the device. Running 'uname -a' reports 'Linux localhost 3.10.61 #2 SMP PREEMPT Mon Oct 17 17:46:54 CST 2016 aarch64 Android' and 'whoami' reports 'u0_a111'; there is only a single user, who has superuser permissions. The Termux file tree is rooted at /data/data/com/termux/files; I have exported environment variable $TERMUX with that value, and Termux itself exports $PREFIX to point to what I call $TERMUX/usr. Under $TERMUX are home and usr. Under usr are directories bin, etc, include, lib, libexec, share, src, tmp and var. There are lots of libraries (.so) in lib, lots of headers (.h) in include, and even more headers in include/linux. The environment sets several variables of interest, including BASH=$TERMUX/usr/bin/bash, HOSTTYPE=aarch64, LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$TERMUX/usr/lib, MACHTYPE=aarch64-unknown-linux-android, OSTYPE=linux-android, PATH=$TERMUX/usr/bin:$TERMUX/usr/bin/applets, SHELL=$TERMUX/usr/bin/bash, and TMPDIR=$TERMUX/usr/tmp, where I have written $TERMUX for convenience (the environment has the entire path written out in every case). I have installed gawk and m4 for my own use (and probably a few other things too, though I don't remember them at the moment).

I am trying to install the Guile Scheme interpreter. I performed the following steps:

    cd /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/src
    wget ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/guile/guile-2.0.14.tar.gz
    tar -zxvf guile-2.0.14.tar.gz
    cd guile-2.0.14
    apt install libtool libunistring libunistring-dev \
        libgc libgc-dev libgmp-dev pkg-config libffi-dev
    termux-fix-shebang configure build-aux/config.sub \
        build-aux/install-sh libguile/guile-snarf* \
    ./configure SHELL='/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/sh' \
            /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/include/linux' \

At this point I get an error about being unable to find guild, so I fix the shebang on file meta/guild, which is built early in the make process, and continue:

    termux-fix-shebang meta/guild

The make command ends with an error. After entering directory '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/src/guile-2.0.14/libguile' and executing 'GEN guile-procedures.texi' I get an error message 'CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE: could not load library "libguile-2.0.so.22" needed by "/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/src/guile-2.0.14/libguile/.libs/lt-guile"; cause by library "libguile-2.0.so.22 not found'. I note that file libguile-2.0.so.22 exists in directory /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/src/guile-2.0.14/libguile/.libs. I fix the error by linking libguile-2.0.so.22, then continue:

    ln libguile/.libs/libguile-2.0.so.22 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/lib/libguile-2.0.so.22

The I get another error: "Segmentation fault". The error occurs when make is trying to execute guild snarf-check-and-output-texi; I note there is a Scheme script snarf-check-and-output-texi.scm under module/scripts.

Exactly the same problem occurs with Guile 2.2.2. I actually started with Guile 2.2.2, but switched to Guile 2.0.14 because it is the legacy branch of the program and I was worried there might be something odd in the newer version.

How can I fix this problem?