2014年8月11日 下午11:31于 "Mark H Weaver" 写道: > > tags 18245 notabug > close 18245 > thanks > > The problem is that srfi-1 exports a 'drop' procedure, and 'drop' is > also used as a syntax-rules literal in your macros. Literals are > matched as follows: if the literal identifier has the same name and the > same binding where the macro is defined and where it is used, then > there's a match. If the identifier is not bound in either place, then > there's also a match. > Thanks for explaining! The issue can't be reproduced in stable-2.0, so I suspected it's a potential bug. > > I recommend choosing literals that are not likely to be bound in modules > that use your sql macros. > Or import srfi-1 with a proper prefix :-) Thanks!