When using the profiler in a pure module ,profile does not work The reason is that in scmsigs.c, At an evaluation occurs from C e.g. static SCM close_1 (SCM proc, SCM arg) { return scm_primitive_eval_x (scm_list_3 (scm_sym_lambda, SCM_EOL, scm_list_2 (proc, arg))); } This means that languages in guile that want's profiling needs to export lambda from (guile). Maybe this is a feature but there are two things that can improve, 1. We can export @@ or @ as the only symbol from guile and fix all evaluatoins like the above to issue a (@ (guile) lambda) in stead of lambda etc. Maybe we should use a more uncommon symbol for @ and @@ to be used in situations like that for which should always be reexported for langages that want to support guile features. lambda is a very common symbol and I would expect profiling to fail under elisp no so this issues seams to be urgent. I will for know export lambda. Regards Stefan