Hello Mark,

Thanks for your explanation. I knew about the mathematical "if and only if". But as I am not a native english speaker I didn't know it could be spelled 'iff'.

Thanks again,

On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 5:27 AM, Mark H Weaver <mhw@netris.org> wrote:
jc zulian <jeanchristophe.zulian@gmail.com> writes:
> While reading the documentation I came across some typos. Please find
> attached a patch to correct those (I hope the patch format is
> alright).

Actually those are not typos.  In mathematics, "iff" is widely
understand to mean "if and only if".

I guess this brings up a good point though: We should not assume that
readers of the Guile manual are familiar with this terminology.

I'm leaving this bug open as a reminder that occurrences of "iff" should
probably be changed to something else.

Thanks for the report!
