Le mardi 27 octobre 2020 à 10:19 +0100, Leo Prikler a écrit : > Returning #t on error won't actually > fix them. Do you mean that ignoring errors on mkdir when there has been a called to mkdir-recursive just before is not OK? I agree, it's better if mkdir-recursive fails if one element of the chain can't be created, even if the parent exists or has been created. I updated the function. > That would allow you > to put mkdir-recursive into the posix module (and test it along with > it) even if it isn't strictly POSIX. So, that's what I did; the code is now in the posix module. > > How do you run the tests? When I run "make check", I get 1 of 39 > > tests failed, the test-out-of-memory test. It does not even try to > > run the ports test. > Have a look at test-suite/Makefile.am. (Now the relevant test is posix.test, not ports.test anymore) I found it: I just needed to run the ./check-guile script. Now, both recusive mkdir tests in posix.test run smoothly. Best regards, divoplade