With that patch my little test program works. Now, please forgive my ignorance. I probably misunderstand what "delimited" means in this context, and I am probably using it incorrectly. I would be shocked if this even slightly resembles how this should be fixed. I have been lurking on the guile mailing lists for a few months and I don't understand half of what you guys are talking about (which is actually why I am so keen to play with guile). Sharing this patch seemed to be the easiest way to explain what is happening. I am not even going to pretend that I have spent a great deal of time reading the HTTP 1.1 protocol specs, but it does appear that the server does not have to return a Content-Length. I certainly have run across servers that don't. Poking at this issue has been quite a bit of fun for me. So, thanks for all of your hard work on the system. Now I must admit that I am interested in seeing how (and if) this gets fixed. Jason