In R7RS, page 14, section 4.2.1 Conditionals. The form 'cond-expand' can accept following conditions ``` A takes one of the following forms: - - (library ) - (and ...) - (or ...) - (not ) ``` The form (library ) is used to test whether a R7RS library named exists or not. For example: ``` (cond-expand ((library (srfi srfi-1)) (display "Yes, we have SRFI-1.\n"))) ``` However, this form is currently not supported by Guile. Supporting this form can help Guile use portable R7RS library more smoothly. -- Retrieve my PGP public key: gpg --recv-keys B3EBC086AB0EBC0F45E0B4D433DB374BCEE4D9DC Zihao