Dear Sir or Madam, My name is David Poussin, I am a PHD in Imperial College London. For my study, I try to use a simulation software named “ MIT Photonics bandgap “. This software uses the guile library for part of its calculation. However, when I try to launch it I obtain this error. David$ mpb Backtrace: In ice-9/boot-9.scm: 160: 11 Exception thrown while printing backtrace: ERROR: In procedure private-lookup: Module named (system vm frame) does not exist ERROR: In procedure scm-error: ERROR: no code for module (system base compile) It seems this error comes from Guile. I searched a little bit and the software I try to use calls a previous version of Guile , v2.0.22. I tried to download the latest version, but after, the MIT software does not recognise it. I am using a MAC OS Sierra, version 10.12.5. Do you know where my error comes from? Thank you by advance, David Poussin