Hi, dear all.
When I am compiling guile 2.0.9 with Intel c compiler (icc, version 13.1.0 20130121), some errors occur. But I could not
figure it out. Could anybody help me?
The compiling is invoked by a script (install-guile_2.0.9.sh, attached) as below:
    bash-4.1$ sh install-guile_2.0.9.sh >install.output 2>&1
Its output, install.output, and other two logs are also attached.
The first error emerges at line 1802 in install.output, which reads:
ERROR: bit-operations.test: bit-extract: documented? - arguments: ((keyword-argument-error #<procedure open-input-file (file #:key binary encoding guess-encoding)> "Invalid keyword" () #f))
There are 4 UNRESOLVED messages about elisp-compiler.test, and 3 errors about eval-string.test.
Could anyone help? Thanks.