Creativity and Innovation NEWSLETTER April 2005 Seek a Creativity Driven Future Improving Odds of Success Established organizations see 75% of their expenses on potential innovations turn out unfruitful. Similarly, a large number of ideas that entrepreneurs dream about do not turn into useful products. These statistics could get even worse as pursuit of ingenuity becomes more complex. This semi-monthly newsletter by Kore Kalibre, titled Creativityand Innovation,provokes thought on how to innovate. This newsletter has answers to key questions, practical ideas and much more. HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS ISSUE Key Questions What is the agenda of National Innovation Initiative? How did Venture Capital develop as a financial vehicle? What are the opportunities in emerging markets? Practical Ideas Thrive on criticism - Robert Redford, Cinema Work within your style - Bollettieri, Founder Tennis Academy Pay attention to analogical thinking - Gavetti & Rivkin, Strategists Successful Pioneers Tom Stemberg - Staples Dr. Kalam - Indian president Hu Jintao - Chinese president Book Synopsis Cracking Creativity - Michael Michalko The End of Poverty - Jeff Sachs Innovative Companies Infosys - Face of New Multi-nationals Broadcom - Chip Leader Any queries, please send a mail to 225Franklin Street, Floor 26, Boston MA 02110 To unsubscribe please Click here