4vf0 TU6R The picture of Ryan was comical, it included himself with his real facial piercings, one through his nose like a bull, two in his bottom lip on opposite sides, and his earlobes. 3nRx He took me home and cut me into a diamond shape. Then he attached sticks and string to me, and gave me a tail. 743S94k1 I was then shipped off to a store. After about a week, a man bought me.
6yU25R00 397Gf6m0 1Gm34DQ7 S2215021 dII620sX

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4oU3v 0yB6o I91 5k0RQy. The big sister and her book. For once in a long time, I was happy. Suddenly I felt strange and...different. Then he threw me into a stack of old newspapers, where I sat for a month. I felt sorry for the newspaper on the bottom of the stack. 62f3q8e 1361 49630 wyQ 4vf0T U6RJnRx? I realized I was a special tree. They cut me into smaller sheets of paper. As they sent me through rollers I fell asleep, expecting never to awaken.