Hello, I've attempted to build Guile 1.9.10 on a 32-bit installation of Ubuntu 9.10. I cannot seem to successfully build using a call to 'make'. I've worked through what I believe to be my full set of configuration issues. Two items still trouble me: 1) Configuration of Guile checks how to link with Readline. In my case, configuration correctly determines that libreadline is available. This happens to be a Readline v.6.1 installation. However, I get a configure warning stating that Readline is too old and that I need v.2.1 or better. I wonder if the checks that Guile is performing are appropriate for determining the suitability of the installed Readline library. 2) 'make' fails due to what primarily seems to be many undefined references to GC_ functions. ffi_ types aren't also coming up with undefined references. I believe I've set up appropriate environment variables for libffi and libgc. Has anyone experienced either of these behaviors recently? I realize I'm not including any output for you to analyze; I didn't want you to have to pour through my scripts or output. I'm just hoping someone sees this and realizes I've made a common mistake and can point that out to me. Thank you, Michael Faenza