Hi. I'm using a very recent emacs built from master: eb3416016b4 I'm observing (comment-region) go into an infinite loop when presented with particular data. I'm attaching a small source file that demonstrates the issue. To see it break, run this: emacs --eval '(add-hook (quote c-mode-common-hook) (lambda () (setq comment-start "//" comment-end "")))' \ --eval '(global-set-key (kbd "") (lambda () (interactive) (comment-region 16 45)))' \ -Q tst6.c This loads the demo file with a clean configuration, and runs two bits of lisp: 1. Sets up a c++ commenting style. This is required for the issue to present itself 2. Binds f5 to run the problematic (comment-region) On my machine, invoking emacs that way, and then hitting f5 shows the problem.