From the MS Windows 64 bit CMD window I get c:\>echo %ProgramFiles(x86)% C:\Program Files (x86) c:\>echo %ProgramFiles% C:\Program Files c:\>echo %ProgramW6432% C:\Program Files From GNU Emacs (i386-mingw-nt6.1.7600) of 2010-05-04 on G41R2F1 I get (getenv "ProgramFiles(x86)") "C:\\Program Files (x86)" (getenv "ProgramFiles") "C:\\Program Files (x86)" (getenv "ProgramW6432") "C:\\Program Files" In emacs, both the "ProgramFiles*" environment variables give the same result. I don't think that should be correct behavior. Fortunately, Windows provides the ProgramW6432 environment variable. What is the correct way in emacs to detect the two different locations in which Windows puts 32 bit and 64 bit programs? Rich