I thought this might be a common problem with laptops: I am using a laptop with a touchpad (or whatever that's called) which has the feature that tapping on it is transmitted as a left mouse button click. Because of its position, my hands cannot stay away from the touch pad (right between them) while touch-typing, and every few minutes, they generate a left mouse button click which puts point in an awkward position ... it is very annoying, especially if you recognize it some ten keystrokes later ... I think I'd be able to go the brute force approach of redefining the bindings for the left mouse button to a command that does nothing, but I wonder whether there's a more elegant way. It would be nice to have a simple command to simply "suspend" the mouse bindings for the left button, such that I can turn them back on when I need them. Is there any such thing around? Can anybody give me hints apart from that? I'd appreciate a lot. -- Florian v. Savigny If you are going to reply in private, please be patient, as I only check for mail something like once a week. - Si vous allez répondre personellement, patientez s.v.p., car je ne lis les courriels qu'environ une fois par semaine.