>>>>> Lars Ingebrigtsen writes: > Handling bugs is, like, work. :-) Perhaps the FSF could hire a full-time bug > herder? A bug herder is the most significant piece of the Emacs Project Puzzle that is missing, in my opinion. Eli and others (and recently Lars especially) have made heroic efforts, but this also distracts from their primary development work. If we could find 2-3 people dedicated to combing through, and responding to bugs -- even just to get them ready for more serious investigation by a core developer -- it would help this project greatly. It's hard to see an open bug count of 4k+ and not give up a little bit in one's heart. And yet, I have a feeling our _true_ bugload is much smaller, if we winnow the chaff. -- John Wiegley GPG fingerprint = 4710 CF98 AF9B 327B B80F http://newartisans.com 60E1 46C4 BD1A 7AC1 4BA2