I'm using Emacs 29.2 on OSX and I'm having difficulty selecting a font with the proper weight. The following simple script shows the problem on my machine: (set-frame-font "Roboto Mono-14:light") (insert "test") (insert (propertize "test" 'face '(:family "Roboto Mono" :weight light))) The set-frame-font installs the proper font and weight. The first insert displays the text with light weight (as expected) The second insert displays the text with a *regular* weight (unexpected). When I ask for char description for both displayed strings, Emacs reports " mac-ct:-*-Roboto Mono-regular-normal-normal-*-14-*-*-*-m-0-iso10646-1" for both strings (even though the visual appearance is clearly different). I think the problem has been here since at least version 28.0 (and I solved it by creating a dedicated font file with a new name). All necessary fonts are installed: $ fc-list "Roboto Mono" -f '%{weight} %{style}\n' | sort -n 0 Thin 0 Thin Italic [0 200] [0 200] 50 Light 50 Light Italic 80 Italic 80 Regular 100 Medium 100 Medium Italic 200 Bold 200 Bold Italic Nicolas