Hello! I was looking at the Gravatar code and noticed Larsi's change last year to disable the URL caching and instead use a hash table. I would like to see the timeout for the hash table configurable again and this sent me to the `url-cache-expired' and `url-cache-prune-cache' functions. It appears that `url-cache-expired' is no longer used after the Gravatar caching change, so I was wondering if maybe it could be useful to have a more general, URL-specific expiry policy in the URL caching code. This way, on-disk caching for, e.g., gravatar.com could be longer than for the in-memory hash - right now expiry for the Gravatar memory cache is 12 hours, for the global disk cache it is 1 hour. I wrote up the below and I am asking for feedback on it. I was particularly concerned about back-forming the URL based on the cache path and there really should be some test cases around that. I have done minimal testing and I am open to suggestions to do this differently.