Hi, I would find it less intrusive, if Emacs.app did not set INFOPATH upon start up if it was not set before. This would enable users to make changes to Info-default-directory-list in their initialization files. I am attaching changes that imitate w32's behavior in this regard, albeit adding the info directory in the bundle at the beginning of the list. It might be prudent to change that if Emacs is built non self-contained. I am a complete newcomer to changing Emacs "internals", so please forgive me if this does not conform to emacs dev conventions. If you decide against changing the behavior, I would find it helpful if you included a hint in the documentation. This would spare users from searching through Emacs.app/Contents/Info.plist, ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist or launchd.conf files, looking for the definition of the INFOPATH. Thanks! -- Felix Mueller