I think the development of Tree-sitter modes would benefit from having a regression test suite that ensures that bug fixes for specific cases don't regress in the future. As a start, I've attached to this mail some ERT-based tests for the indentation feature of c-ts-mode. I've used the convenient feature of "erts" files to create the tests, which I think make them readable and maintainable. The tests are skipped if the Emacs build does not have Tree-sitter enabled, or if the corresponding grammar is not installed. Perhaps it would be a good idea to install these Tree-sitter dependencies in the container images used for EMBA (https://emba.gnu.org/emacs), so that we're able to run Tree-sitter tests in continuous integration, and even play with different versions of Tree-sitter or the Tree-sitter grammars to detect incompatibilities. I'll leave this decision to the people in charge of EMBA. Thanks.