† > 2. Repeatedly, > 0) measure the size of the file (wc -c testAccentsMinimal.txt); > 1) open emacs loading the file (emacs -q testAccentsMinimal.txt); > 2) insert and delete a character in it (manually); > 3) save it selecting the suggested raw encoding (manually); I cannot reproduce this. At this step, Emacs just saves the file silently. And the file keeps its size constant. I tried with Debian's Emacs-24.3 and Emacs-23.4 as well as with the current pretest (and using "-Q" rather than "-q"). > I think that I signaled this bug 1 year ago in Emacs 23 and was answered > at the time that this would be solved by the next version (24), but it > occured to me recently that this undesirable behavior was still there :( We're pretesting 24.4, so hopefully we can finally crush this one for 24.4. Stefan