Hi When using emacs in -nw mode, the cursor seems to hang quite often leaving back a cursor block. The block is redrawn correctly if the window is resized or refreshed. I have attached a few low-res screenshots of the behaviour. How to reproduce: In a terminal 1) start emacs (emacs -nw) 2) switch to scratch buffer 2) Change to c mode (M-x c-mode) 3) type 'if (aa == 1)' You should now see (a green) cursor block between 'aa' and '==' like the screenshot. Tested on: Freebsd, Debian, Gentoo, Ubuntu Tested with terminal: Gnome-terminal (term=xterm || term=linux) xfce-terminal (term=xterm || term=linux) rox-terminal (term=xterm || term=linux) Cannot reproduce with linux console (term=linux || term=xterm) xterm (term=xterm || term=linux) There are many places where this bug could be, and im not too sure if its the terminal, the major mode or emacs that causes it. Best Regards Kim Carlsen