Hello, Forwarding a suggestion about out of the box improvements to emacs on Jostein Kjønigsen repo : There's a lot of talk on reddit already about new improvements "breaking" things, people's configs suffering, key bindings reconfigured, etc. Therefore, I suggest that on first load emacs should ask the user about key binding preferences : 1. I have my own .el files, ask me where they are Emacs so that you can import them (from GitHub, zip files, etc.) 2. I want emacs standard keyboard bindings please 3. I want Cua mode so that Emacs behaves like "popular" editors 4. I want Vim-like modal editing key bindings (this option will install evil and a few evil extras, hypothetically). 5. Whatever else is out there??? Let's not fool ourselves, editor wars are silly and childish. What we want to do is create a more attractive and mature environment and I believe that this will represent a more open approach. This approach will also show, at the very beginning, just how flexible Emacs is and that it can be modified to any preferences. I am of a strong opinion that a lot of folks would simply put Emacs away based on the fact that they felt forced to use Ctrl +... to move around. Well... Let's move on and show that Emacs is much more than that!