I'm using `emacs` 29.4 with the `haskell-language-server` on NixOS 24.05. The following code ```haskell isAscending [x] =True ``` produces the following diagnostic from the lsp ```elisp (:jsonrpc "2.0" :method "textDocument/publishDiagnostics" :params           (:diagnostics            [(:code "-Wunused-matches" :message "Defined but not used: ‘x’" :range                    (:end                     (:character 14 :line 17)                     :start                     (:character 13 :line 17))                    :severity 2 :source "typecheck" :tags                    [1])             (:code "-Wmissing-signatures" :message "Top-level binding with no type signature:\n  fbeCircle :: svg-builder-0.1.1:Graphics.Svg.Core.Element" :range                    (:end                     (:character 9 :line 25)                     :start                     (:character 0 :line 25))                    :severity 2 :source "typecheck")]            :uri "file:///home/user/tmp/haskell/test-flake-utils/test/src/Main.hs" :version 0)) ``` The first diagnostics (corresponding to the above code) is shown in the Emacs buffer only with an exclamation mark in the fringe. However, the diagnostic message is not shown anywhere unless the cursor is placed on the exact location in question (the 'x' in the square brakes). Without any visual aid, it's very difficult to pinpoint the exact location of the problem to see the message. The other diagnostic in the same server message, on top of the exclamation mark, it's properly highlighted with a blue wiggled underline and easy to locate. I'd expect this to happen for all diagnostics.